1 . Are you worried about your laptop getting hacked? Is it being done by someone in the middle of nowhere or even just by an unknown hacker on a public network? Many people have experienced this kind of experience when using their mobiles, but can you still keep your data and important information safe? This article will show you how.
2 . In the United States for example, online banking and financial services have been taken over by hackers, and so many people have lost money because of identity theft or hacking. Some even lose property. As a general rule of thumb, you should avoid storing the payment card data at home, but you can still store a password or other digital credentials for sensitive data such as bank account number, credit card number and more. Be very careful about the websites that you visit when applying for any job, because they also have their own website. You can also use two-factor authentication and do not give out personally identifiable information like social security, address or date of birth, etc.
3 . Make sure that every computer and gadget has a strong encryption key to keep that data safe from hackers on a local area network. A simple password file can help, and you can also try to build a VPN and add it to your computer. You should also avoid installing anti-virus software on your mobile, but there are times when it is really beneficial, or necessary and may not harm the device.
4 . Encrypt your internet connection using a program called Bit-Chromium, which helps protect one’s data. It will encrypt a connection between the router and the smartphone to make the device less vulnerable to anyone trying to read your emails or browse your web pages without permission. Most of the time, when hackers hack into your account or other websites on your phone, your computers are simply displaying information on what happened while you were connected to the Internet. So if you are connecting to the same wireless network as the PC, you have nothing to worry about. But you can create a two-factor authentication and install Anti-Virus Software on your devices to protect yourself from hackers. Also consider using 2FA for secure email.
5 . Use antivirus software to keep your devices free from malware and other malicious programs. There are three types of antiviral software available on Windows OS, McAfee, Norton Antivirus, Symantec, Avira, Emsisoft, Trend Micro, Panda Free Antivirus, E-ZPass, AppLock, iAntiVir, Shield Security suite, Malwarebytes, Kaspersky anti-malware, F8 and others. Apart from these, you can download different apps and browser extensions for your Android and iOS, MacOS/Windows (free and paid), iPhone and iPad from Google Play Store or Apple’s App Store or Windows Store. You can check out our list of top ten best antivirus programs for iPhones and iPads.
6 .Check any logs or activity on your smartphone to see if it came from outside sources. Some people have reported that hackers accessed their accounts because the app was installed automatically. You should also review your emails, social media or Wi-Fi settings, your device’s Wi-Fi password and access points, and your smartphone. Sometimes all the information that the hacker wanted to steal from you is stored in your phone’s memory, so delete them immediately from your camera. To turn off Bluetooth, select “Settings > Bluetooth and save them”, and then click “Turn Off Device Connectivity” and delete the files on your computer, as well as from those that you had downloaded for offline mode. Make sure you have no active music playing even if you are out of range of the receiver.
7 .Change any passwords that you have set. Don’t use common ones that most users use. The one thing that you need to remember while setting your passwords is that it should not contain letters, numbers or special characters.
8 .Nowadays there are various ways to find information quickly. For example, it can be easy to copy text messages through Twitter, Facebook Messenger, Snapchat, Instagram and WhatsApp. Or they can send spam through instant messaging platforms like Line, Telegram, WeChat and Viber, so take care about protecting all this data. It doesn’t matter how far or wide you are traveling. If you have your cellphone or laptop with only your basic information, it doesn’t mean that there is no chance that someone can penetrate the machine. Just be aware of what you are sharing in this case and pay attention not to share some sensitive details on this platform. Don’t accept ads and don’t open links or downloads unless you are comfortable with doing so
9 .It is also important to use a different word or phrase in order to say something that does not show you in your social media screen. Remember to change your password to one long enough and complex enough to protect your data and confidential information. It is also advisable to keep the SIM of your phone on another computer. Even though it is risky to allow someone else to communicate with your phone, it is much safer to give it back to whoever it belongs to. It will help you to save your photos, contacts with friends, personal information and so much more.